Because I believe that human consciousness is changing in the direction of planetary consciousness, I want to suggest that we fly the flag of our Earth to strengthen this reality—and soon. Climate change, loss of species, depletion of basic resources, and pollution of waters all send a message that our current mode of thinking is dangerously outmoded.
Even though millions of people have never seen the glorious blue and white circle of our planetary home made from the photo taken by astronauts from the moon in 1968, when they do, they almost all feel drawn to it.
Perhaps only if the Earth flag becomes a familiar reality will we come to recognize our deepest identity is—as explained by the great cultural historian Thomas Berry—as Earthlings. Only as “we become familiar with the language of the winds, the sea, the lands and all the un-numbered forms of life that form the great community of Earth may we realize that we are Earthlings born out of the Earth and that we have no future except within the larger sacred Earth community.”