What We Do
CES is an education, imagination, dialogue, and action center for an ecological age.
Our mission is to advance ecology and culture as the organizing principles of societies. Today major social decisions are made on the basis of economics and industrial development. In ecozoic societies decisions will be based on ecology and culture. The primary questions will be “Does this support the flourishing of life on Earth?” and “Does this support full human development?”
We accomplish our mission by informing, inspiring, and encouraging people in the Great Work of co-creating the Ecozoic era.
Here are our areas of work:
We publish an online magazine called The New Ecozoic Reader: Critical Reflections, Stories, Dream Experiences, and Practices for an Ecological Age.
We publish a print journal called The Ecozoic Journal: Reflections on Life for an Ecological Age.
We maintain this website and provide other electronic media.
We offer educational programs on the ecozoic and sponsor events.
We are engaged in a series of five, one-year studies on ecozoic transformation. A study circle is formed in each year and individuals take on study projects related to the year’s topic. Meetings are held in which people share their works. Participants write articles that are published in CES’s Ecozoic Journal. This is a list of our studies:
- Climate Change and Energy (study group in 2021, publication in 2022)
- Humans and the Biosphere (study group in 2022, publication in 2023)
- Regenerative Economics (study group in 2023, publication in 2024)
- Ecocentric Governance (study group in 2024, publication in 2025)
- Ecozoic Culture (study group in 2025, publication in 2026)
Our primary activity in the nurture area is supporting Ecozoic Conversation Pods. These pods provide a space for ecozoans to enter into conversation on how we can bring about mutually enhancing ways of living in what is certain to be a turbulent time of transition or decline ahead. We draw on the wisdom of women, of Indigenous people, of science, and of classical humanistic and religious traditions.
Ecozoans are involved in both inner transformation to bring about consciousness change and external transformation to bring about social change. The inner life of the ecozoan brings clarity, serenity, courage, and strength. We provide resources for the inner life.
Critical reflection is needed for the ecozoic and then those ideas need to be taken to the public in stories and art. CES provides a venue for artists and writers to share their work and we support Artists and Writers for the Ecozoic.