CES Musings – December 2007
In this issue: Looking Back at 2007, by Herman Greene
Here are some highlights of 2007 that come to mind. If you have personal highlights send them to us and we will pass them on:
– The Ecozoic Reader on “How Do We Get There?” was published in August. Many thought this was our best ever.
– The “Wisdom of Women” issue of the Reader went to the printer in mid-December and will be mailed January 2nd. Prepare to be surprised and enriched.
– We set new directions for CES publications: The Ecozoic: Reflections on Life in an Ecological Age will launch this winter.
– There was an outpouring of financial support for CES at year end, over $3,000 came in.
– In July, Herman Greene lectured on “Essentials of an Earth Jurisprudence” at a conference on “Law, Politics, and Morality in Constructive Postmodern Perspective,” at China University of Political Science and Law (Zhenfa University). During the same trip, he spoke on “Ecological Imagination” at Beijing Foreign Studies University and at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In October, he made a presentation on “The Cosmological Argument for Ecological Civilization” at a conference on “Constructive Postmodernism, Marxism and Ecological Civilization” held at Claremont, California, which was attended by 20 Marxist scholars from China.
– Thomas Berry’s 93rd Birthday was celebrated on the weekend of November 9th with a concert by Earth Mama at the New Garden Friends meeting, a birthday party for children at the Kathleen Clay Edwards Public Library, and a concert featuring Peter Berry on Celtic Harp, Anne Berry on cello, and Sarah Chowning as soloist at Finch Chapel, Greensboro College. Val Vickers, Elaine and Nelson Stover, and Robert Powell among others helped to host these events.
– In December Drew Dellinger gave a reading to a crowd of more than 50 of his love letters to the milky way at Binkley Baptist Church in Chapel Hill.