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CES Musings – February 2007 (1)

Herman Greene
I have three things on my mind this morning, all of which seem of some immediate importance to me. They are (i) relation of CES to Berry-ites and consciousness-ites, etc., (ii) the status of the Reader,
contributions, and contacting CES members, and (iii) the events next weekend in Durham, NC, involving CES, Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship and the Northwest Earth Institute (NWEI). My musings will lead into Musings by Fred Lanphear and a press release from NWEI to give you a better idea of what they are about. Next week’s musings will be about starting CES courses and a training center (What? How? Should we?). I invite you to send, for next week, new musings or musings on these musings.