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The Douglass Hunt Lecture Series of the Carolina Seminars program of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) has invited five distinguished lecturers to present at the “Colloquium on the Work of Thomas Berry: Development, Difference, Importance, Applications,” to be held on the UNC-CH campus, May 28-30, 2012.


Christopher Key Chapple, PhD

Christopher Key Chapple is the Navin and Pratima Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology at Loyola Marymount University. He is editor of the journal Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology. His books include Karma and Creativity (1986), Nonviolence to Animals, Earth, and Self in Asian Traditions (1993), Hinduism and Ecology (2000), a co-edited volume, Jainism and Ecology: Nonviolence in the Web of Life (2002) and Reconciling Yogas (2003). BA, SUNY Stony Brook; PhD Fordham University where he was a student of Thomas Berry.


Anne-Marie Dalton, PhD

Dr. Dalton teaches Religion and Culture, Religion and Ecology, Religion and Gender, and Religion and International Development in the Department of Religion at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is the author of A Theology for the Earth: The Contributions of Thomas Berry and Bernard Lonergan, and EcoTheology and the Practice of Hope. She is a contributor to the soon-to-be-published The Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry: Imagining the Earth Community, Heather Eaton, ed. At Fordham University she studied under Thomas Berry. BSc and BEd, Memorial University; MA, Fordham University; PhD, Catholic University of America.


Heather Eaton, PhD

Dr. Eaton is a Professor of Conflict Studies at Saint Paul University, Ottawa, Ontario. She teaches ecological dimensions of conflict; religious aspects of conflict and peace; and gender/feminism, peace and conflict research. She is the author of Introducing Ecofeminist Theologies and has authored numerous book chapters and articles. She is the editor of a soon to be published (May 2014) book, The Intellectual Journey of Thomas Berry: Imagining the Earth Community. Christopher Key Chapple, Anne Marie Dalton, Dennis O’Hara, as well as Dr. Eaton have written chapters in that book. A flyer offering a 30% discount on the book is available here.


Sheri Ritchlin, PhD

Sheri Ritchlin is a writer, lecturer and dream worker who lives in Sonoma County, California and Ovando, Montana. She is the author of One-ing, Dream to Waken and editor and contributor to The Spirit of a Woman: Stories to Empower and Inspire by Terry Laszlo-Gopadze. She served as an editor for the Institute of Noetic Sciences and worked as assistant to Lauren Artress in the Labyrinth Project at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. She received her PhD from the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her dissertation was The Return of the Sage: A New Cosmology Meets the Way of Heaven and Earth in the I Ching. She worked with Professors Yi Wu, Brian Swimme and Richard Tarnas on her dissertation and also with Thomas Berry. See http://www.sheriritchlin.com/


Dennis O’Hara, DC, ND, PhD

Dr. O’Hara began his career as a chiropractor and naturopathic doctor. Since 2002, he has been a faculty member of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Saint Michael’s College in the University of Toronto and the Director of the Elliott Allen Institute for Theology and Ecology. He is also an associate member of the graduate faculty in the School for the Environment at the University of Toronto where he has co-taught courses on the environment and health. Since 2004, he has been a core faculty member of the certificate programme in Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Saint Michael’s College. DC, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College; ND, Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine; MDiv and PhD, University of Saint Michaels College in the University of Toronto.