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CES Event: Ecology Beauty Art


Featuring Sandra Lubarsky, PhD; Mary Southard, CSJ; and Marc Ford, PhD

Includes workshops on art, music, and poetry

April 29-30, 2016

Chapel Hill, North Carolina

The importance of beauty and of art for ecologically-minded people is underrated, or at least seldom discussed. “Aesthetics,” while remaining as a subject matter of philosophy, is underdeveloped. Whitehead made the interesting comment that “the teleology of the universe is beauty.” What if for a weekend you could consider—be immersed in—“Ecology, Beauty and Art?”

Enter Sandra Lubarsky, PhD, Mary Southard, CSJ, and Marc Ford, PhD, who will lead us on a journey of “Ecology, Beauty, Art,” including workshops on art, music and poetry, February 19-20, 2016, at United Church of Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Sandra Lubarsky, is Chair of Sustainable Development at Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina. Before coming to Appalachian State University, Dr. Lubarsky created and established one of the first graduate programs in sustainability in the country, the MA Sustainable Communities at Northern Arizona University. In the 15 years that she directed this program, she mentored more than 100 graduate students and served on numerous doctoral committees. She has authored and edited three books and dozens of essays. She is currently completing a manuscript on beauty and sustainability and the importance of beauty as a public value.

Sr. Mary Southard is a life-adventurer fascinated by the wonder and creativity of the cosmos, most especially our Earth. Her unique art explores the great gift of existence with all its beauty and longing, its passion and mystery. In addition to being a professional artist, Mary is also an experienced educator, retreat director, and spiritual companion. She delights in being with others as they awaken to new dimensions of their creativity. Mary’s art commissions and other work have taken her to many places in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia. Publications include a yearly art/meditation calendar currently distributed around the world, book and journal illustrations, and book cover art.

Marcus Peter Ford is Professor of Humanities, Emeritus, at Northern Arizona University. He is the author of four books: Beyond the Modern University: Education for the Good of the World (Greenwood Press, 2001); The Founders of Constructive Postmodern Philosophy: Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead, and Hartshorne (State University of New York Press, 1993); A Process Theory of Medicine: Interdisciplinary Essays (Edwin Mellon Press, 1988), editor and contributor; and William James’s Philosophy: A New Perspective (University of Massachusetts Press, 1982).

Sandra Lubarsky and Marc Ford are planning to start an experimental college in Arizona in the coming year.

Additional details on this event are forthcoming. SAVE THE DATE.

If you have questions, contact ecozoic.societies@gmail.com
or call Vicky Olive 919-672-5522.