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We gratefully celebrate the completed life of Dean James Parks Morton. He was a friend of CES and contributed to The Ecozoic Journal #2 (2009), “A Tribute to Thomas Berry.” Here is an announcement from the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology:

  • Dean James Parks Morton (1930-2020) was a leader in the growing field of Religion and Ecology with his leadership at the Cathedral Church of St John the Divine in New York City. Morton served as 7th Dean of the Cathedral from 1972 to 1997, and he invited Thomas Berry to be a Canon at the Cathedral from 1975 to 1997. Thomas’s presence as an advisor and frequent speaker there helped to make Jim Morton known as the Green Dean. In addition, Paul Winter and his Consort, who were much inspired by Thomas, frequently offered music at the cathedral. This collaboration is described in Thomas Berry: A Biography, pp. 133-135. For more, read this obituary: “James Parks Morton, Dean Who Brought a Cathedral to Life, Dies at 89.”