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Look For Beauty






The Navajo or Diné—the people—see the world through the lens of hozho: all the goodness to be found through harmony, balance, beauty, and blessing. Read this well-known Navajo prayer aloud:

In beauty I walk
With beauty before me I walk
With beauty behind me I walk
With beauty above me I walk
With beauty around me I walk
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again
It has become beauty again

Looking for beauty all around us is a contemplative practice, an exercise in opening our hearts, minds, and bodies to the divine.


* Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditation, August 10, 2018, available at https://cac.org/walk-in-beauty-2018-08-10/ (accessed August 17, 2018). The above picture is not from this meditation. It was taken by Herman Greene in the Denver Botanical Garden.