The New Ecozoic Reader: Critical Reflections, Stories, Dream Experiences & Practices for an Ecological Age is a free online magazine published by CES.
Number 2, March-August 2021
Articles In This Issue
Creating the Ecozoic Era
What should we do? This is the troublesome question that is asked when one delivers a talk on the state of the planet. One is left to sputter: “Do anything, do anything at all” or “Stop biodiversity loss . . . convert the world to 100% clean renewable energy . . . end pollution” or some such thing.
Illuminating Culture and Nature Equally
Spurred by the art-dominated sections on museums in The New York Times, Emlyn Koster reflects on this sector’s pressing need for a balanced profile between people/society and nonhuman life/nature.
Recent Books by Ecozoans
• Meg Lowman, The Arbornaut: A Life Discovering the Eighth
Continent in the Trees above Us (New York: Farrar, Straus and
Giroux, 2021)
• Stefano Panzarasa, Terraluna: A Second Chance—Dream, Love,
Adventure, Ecotopia (Caivano-Napoli, Italy: LFA Publisher, 2021
• Robertson Work, Society, Spirit, and Self: Essays on the One Dance
(Swannanoa, NC: Compassionate Civilization Press, 2021)
Sustainability & Ecological Civilization
Here is Roy Morrison’s plan for sustainability. What would be your list?
Green Tongues Tasting Sunlight
Within a second after the Big Bang, subatomic matter was birthed. Protons and neutrons travelled through space with the inherent desire to join each other in the expression of their mutual existence. When they did so, new forms were created. Diversity began. After billions of years of evolution, I am but one of multitudes born out of those initial encounters.
A Poem
A Poem