Trump Is a Dangerous Anomaly

Donald Trump is an anomaly in that he presents a unique danger that would not be presented except for his highly unlikely election as President of the United States and his conduct in that office. Consider these questions: What were the odds that Trump would run against 17 Republican contenders and win nomination by receiving…

The Chronicle

CLIMATE Scientists gathering at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference in San Francisco on December 13, 2016, expressed concern about what one speaker called the “Trumpocene.” More than 20,000 researchers from the Earth, atmospheric and space science communities attended the annual meeting, and in references subtle and overt, speakers referred to the unsettled atmosphere in…

Trump and the Climate: His Hot Air on Warming Is Far from the Greatest Threat

  Editor’s Note: The following article which is reprinted with permission from ProPublica provides a very thoughtful analysis of the likely impact of the Trump administration on US greenhouse gas emissions and puts this in the context of the larger “super-wicked” issue of global emissions. This html coding is required by ProPublica as a condition…

A Psychiatric Clinician’s Analysis of the US Elections: The Last Embers Of Patriarchal Self-Confidence

I am writing a brief response to Herman Greene’s recent letter, “Are Ecozoans Now at War? Should They Be?“, and his essay, “We Now Live in the Cabaret: Laissez les Bon Temps Rouler!” Our world is a confusing and dangerous place which we humans have coped with by developing illusions of control through intellectual mastery…

Understanding Possible Futures in an Increasingly Insecure World: Review of Paul Raskin’s Journey to Earthland: The Great Transition to Planetary Civilization

  Editor’s Note: Felix Dodds is one of the world’s most informed writers on intergovernmental efforts toward sustainable development. He has written three books giving the history of the UN’s sustainable development process, his latest (written with Ambassador David Donoghue) being “Negotiating the Sustainable Development Goals: A Transformational Agenda for an Insecure World.” Felix is…

Want a Collaborative Distance Learning Master’s Degree in the Great Work? Look No Further than Endicott’s Master’s Program in Integrative Education. Entering Students May Begin in March 2017

  The Institute for Educational Studies (TIES) at Endicott College, Beverly, MA, is offering a collaborative distance learning M.Ed. in Integrative Learning that begins in March 2016. Questions that contextualize the course of study include: How does integrative learning create a context for exploring one’s Great Work? What is a learning community and what capacities…

New Year’s Day Statement on Hope and Resistance by the Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, President of the North Carolina NAACP

Many of us, not knowing what to do, face 2017 with uncertainty and anxiety. Rev. Dr. Barber, who has become an important prophet for justice in our time, made a powerful statement on hope and resistance in a January 1, 2017 interview of him by Michel Martin on NPR’s All Things Considered. You may listen…

The New and Dangerous Period of Social History: Statement from the President of Pax Romana/Cmica-usa, 9 November 2016

It seems that Trump will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord, will promote greater fossil-fuel dependency, and weaken environmental regulation. ~Herman Greene, Center for Ecozoic Societies We are now beginning a new, difficult, and dangerous period of social history for the people of the United States of America, for the entire human family, and for…

Playing the Odds

For over twenty-five years I have been predicting that the human species has a twenty percent chance of surviving fifty or one hundred more years. While it doesn’t sound like it, I am an eternal optimist. But our species is attacking everything on this planet that we are dependent on. We are changing the air,…

The Next Four Years Will Be a Difficult Challenge for the Nation and the World

The election of Donald Trump is very puzzling and troubling, both nationally and internationally. His failings as a leader, businessman, husband and person are legion. He has never held elective office, has never served in the armed service, is contemptuous of the law and international treaties, insults anyone who disagrees with him, and is ill-…