“Sustainability & Spirituality”: A Report with Personal Reflections on a 2017 Global Conference Held in Rome and Assisi, Italy

From June 27 to July 4, 2017, approximately 60 persons from Africa, the Americas, Asia/Pacific, and Europe gathered in Italy–first in Rome and then in Assisi–for a global conference to dialogue on the theme “Spirituality & Sustainability.”

The Veil

The veil keeps us protected, hidden, withdrawn so that we can experience aloneness with God. Dawn a veil in your life and encounter the hidden majesty within.

The Ecozoic Journal, No. 4, “Thomas Berry’s Work, Development, Difference, Importance, Applications,” Is Now Available

We are proud to announce the publication of the fourth issue of our journal, The Ecozoic: Reflections on Life in an Ecological-Cultural Age. The topic of this issue is “Thomas Berry’s Work: Development, Difference, Importance, Applications.” It contains twenty-five papers from a May 2014 academic colloquium held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (the “Colloquium”)…

This New Ecozoic Review

This is our first issue of The Ecozoic Review (ER). Like our prior online magazine or ezine, CES Musings, this will be a bi-monthly publication. We will publish reviews of books, plays, events; musings including essays, insights, poems and art, news commentary, and reports on communities of ecozoic practice.

25th Anniversary of The Universe Story Celebration, November 9, 2017, Oakland, California, and live-streamed, with Brian Thomas Swimme

On November 9, 1992 at Gaia Books in Berkeley, California, Thomas Berry and Brian Thomas Swimme were signing copies of their new book The Universe Story. Now, 25 years later, on November 9, 2017 (Thomas Berry’s birthday), a 25th anniversary celebration conference will be held.

Publication of First Issue of E-Magazine Convergence on “Does Altruism Exist?” by the Interspiritual Network and Unity.Earth

We take it for granted that we are able to sacrifice ourselves to help others, and yet we are familiar with the argument that these good acts are really done for selfish reasons to make the do-gooder feel good. The scientific and philosophical arguments in the modern period against altruism are, even, more difficult to…